Airavata - Elephant Foundation
Preserving elephants AND the culture around elephants is the difficult task undertaken by Airavata nearly ten years ago. A new generation elephant camp, an ethical and responsible alternative to mass tourism, Aïravata is a place where balance is sought above all. Between the Katieng forest, which shelters and feeds our elephants, and the centre where we work with them on a daily basis, we ensure our protégés healthy and natural living conditions but also a permanent interaction with humans based on Cambodian tradition as well as on the teachings of the best experts.
Our credo is to give back its place to the elephant. A country that forgets its history and traditions is a mutilated country; in our small way, we are working to heal these wounds.
Our credo is to give back its place to the elephant. A country that forgets its history and traditions is a mutilated country; in our small way, we are working to heal these wounds.

Elephant protection is very costly ! Kindly help our conservation efforts by becoming an honorary member of Airavata ! There are 3 different levels of membership : Bronze, Siver and Gold.
Gold Members
PIPily Wong
សុសុភ័ក្ត្រ នួន
THThong Rada
THThong Khon
ហេហេងសំណាង គង់
សុសុខពិសិដ្ឋ គឹម
JEJean claude Jestin
JEJean claude Jestin
THThierry Poupard
សុសុខឃីម ប៉ូច
ពេពេជ្រចិន្តា អ៊ុល
Silver Members
ស៊ស៊ីម៉ន ឃុន
NINicolas Sosnowiez
DADavid Treal
DADavy Ung
FRFrederic & Socheata Dubois
Bronze Members
BEBernard and Jah Cohen
MOMona Hard
PAPauvRachana Phauk
សុសុវណ្ណារី សុខ
ផលផល្លី យន់
KIKimlang Duo g
ប៊ប៊ុនថា ឯម
សិសិលា បុប្ផា
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